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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (6)

author: Liu Miaoxi Date: 2022-03-01 View:

Before joining the program, I reviewed my speaking skills from my IELTS studies, practiced regularly speaking every day before the course started, and listened to English radio to practice listening. I also read the English literature given by the teacher carefully before the program and took reading notes on each topic and asked questions on the padlet.


The course schedule was compact and reasonable, and I was able to have plenty of time to review and prep after class. The teaching methods were very proactive in communicating with us, which allowed me to practice my English and academic exploration skills. Overall, it was a very well-organized program.


I hope that participating in this program will improve my spoken English and allow me to communicate in a simple academic manner. I noticed that this program has a writing course and assigned writing tasks, so I hope to be able to write an academic paper to my satisfaction with systematic writing training, which is the goal I hope to achieve.


After the program I found that my English had improved, and I was more comfortable with reading English literature. The biggest takeaway was that Ms. Milena provided me with a new perspective on studying and looking at issues in the philosophy of science - feminism and the value of science. Many papers on philosophy of science from abroad have also opened my eyes to many different approaches to argumentation and new issues. The suggestion is to schedule more academic writing classes which was really helpful.