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Academic exchanges at Oxford University, UK (9)

author: Zhang Huixue Date: 2019-12-02 View:

When we first arrived in Oxford, we happened to catch the Remembrance Day. In order to commemorate the soldiers and civilians who died in the war, every year on November 11th, great commemorative activities are held in Britain. We were very lucky to get a first-hand experience of the local culture. After a short rest, we learned the history and etiquette of Britain on the second day. I was deeply impressed by the cultural differences between the two countries. After studying, the tour guide led us to visit Oxford. The formal course started on the third day. Professor Sorin Baiasu gave us two lectures entitled "What Do We Deserve? The Ideal of Justice and Social Distribution "and" Philosophy as a Way of Life: Philosophical Counselling and Modern Malaise ".The students actively discussed justice and social distribution with the professor, and put forward their own doubts and imagination about philosophical counselling. The professor kindly answered the questions, we benefit a lot from the two lectures. On November 14th, we came to Cambridge University. Professor Hugh Mellor gave us a lecture on Killing vs. Letting Die. Professor Hugh Mellor believes that killing someone is the same as letting someone die. This viewpoint caused the students to think and ask the professor questions one after another. On the last day, we went back to Oxford University for the last three lectures. Dr. Mackenzie Graham tells us about Aristotle's ethics of virtue. Then Dr. Roxana Baiasu talked to us about feminism. Finally, Dr. Anna Whiston discusses the important role of virtue ethics in modern times. After the lectures, Dr. Anna Whiston gave us our certificate of study. In the evening, we attended a gala dinner at regent's park college, Oxford University. At this point, our trip to Oxford is officially over. But I believe that the impact of this trip will be unforgettable for me.