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Academic exchanges at Oxford University, UK (1)

author: Bai Yuqiao Date: 2019-12-02 View:

I feel very lucky and honored to participate in the program and successfully complete all the courses. This program although not long, but is benefits for me, this is also my first time to travel to the UK. At the same time, through the experience and observation of British society, my mood is very excited. I harvest the comments mainly divide into the program learning, British social circumstance and cultural traditions.

First of all, in the aspect of learning, a week course, we not only study the virtue ethics, also has the British general situation of the social culture and etiquette. The subject of our learning mainly includes: Induction to the Program, Introduction to Oxford University, British Etiquette, What Do We Deserve? The Ideal of Justice and Social Distribution, Philosophy as a Way of Life: Philosophical Counselling and Modern Malaise, Causation: 'Killing vs Letting Die', Arete, Phronesis, and Eudaimonia: A Survey of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics, Feminist Discussions of Moral Justification and Autonomy, To What Extent Is the Concept of Virtue Still Important in Today’s World?

The university of Oxford and Cambridge’s teachers taught a lot of knowledge for us, many of them involved in the forefront of contemporary virtue ethics research problems. Course content in both my familiar philosophers such as Aristotle, Kant and Rawls's theory, and some I'm not familiar with the views of scholars and theories. And the course content in both I understand the content, and there are a lot of I don't understand the content of the new view and research. Although I am not major in ethics, but by learning, not only did I have a deeper understanding of virtue ethics, but also for other problems such as political philosophy and feminism, I also have a certain understanding, it made me fruitful in the specialized knowledge, also makes my academic vision and academic thought has been greatly widened. In class, at the same time, we also study the history of British culture and social reality, and learn the English manners, which makes me can quickly familiar with the surrounding environment, and get along better with British people.

Second, in study and life in the UK, by contact and observation of Oxford University, British society, and the Englishman, I draw a lot of personal feeling. The first point is at the university of Oxford and Cambridge’s special administrative management system; The second point is that the Queue, queue up in public places such as bus station or hotel, it seems to be a natural thing, it is worthy of our learning; The third point is a lot of Britain's unique local conditions and customs; The fourth point is that through life and tour at Oxford, Cambridge and London, I not only appreciate the natural scenery and human landscape, also feel exists those history and culture behind the city, which impressed me most is the memorials that honor members of the end of world war I and rolling held in the Oxford.

Through to take part in this program, I not only increase the professional knowledge, develop the academic vision, also appreciate the local conditions and customs of the British, has a deep understanding about the British history and culture. The program let me fully aware of the gap of the own existence, alert me to intensify efforts. I think this program is very meaningful and necessary, at the same time I also think that should be adequately extended time of the program. I hope I can have the opportunity to continue to participate in such kind of program, I also hope that more students can participate in this program to improve themselves.